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Reference Management Software

This guide will introduce you to the variety of Reference Management Software NTU Library supports and give you tips on how to make the most out of them.


Important Announcement Regarding EndNote Desktop

Effective December 1, 2022, access to NTU's EndNote Desktop software is available upon request, for either 6 months or 12 months, pending approval. However, we urge students and staff to consider transitioning to Zotero for its advantages. EndNote Desktop requires uninstallation upon leaving NTU, unlike Zotero and Mendeley, which remain accessible. 

If you currently have EndNote Desktop installed on your devices, you may continue using the software throughout your tenure as a student or staff member at NTU. 

If you require further assistance or clarifications, please reach out to us via email at

To help you transition from EndNote to Zotero or Mendeley, we have provided guides on how to move your EndNote references to these platforms. You can find them here:

We encourage you to try Zotero or Mendeley before submitting your EndNote Request Form .  If approved, EndNote Desktop license will be loaned  and listed under your Library account.

Introduction to EndNote

Introduction to EndNote Desktop

EndNote is a reference management software with features to:

  • Keep all your references and reference-related materials in a searchable personal Library
  • Share your references with collaborators (or classmates) through EndNote Sync
  • Use your references to populate written assignments or research papers with both in text citations and reference lists in word processors such as Microsoft Word   

Refer to our LibGuide Introduction to EndNote Desktop

Generate your citations in 2 simple steps

Introduction to EndNote

The Introduction to EndNote Workshops covers:

1. Creating an EndNote library 

  • Export references 
  • Import PDFs
  • Groups to manage references

2. Writing and Citing with EndNote

  • Adding in-text citations and references
  • Editing references
  • Converting to plain text

3. Useful features 

Refer to the Introduction to EndNote LibGuide for more information. 


Consultation with NTU Librarians

Consultation by Appointment:

Reference Management Software consultation for EndNote, Mendeley & Zotero  is open to NTU students and staff who wish to learn specific  features or  related enquiries. 

Please email to make an appointment.