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DR-NTU User Guides

This guide provides information about submitting your works (FYP, Thesis and paper) to NTU digital repository (DR-NTU).


This LibGuide provides information about NTU digital repository (DR-NTU). It covers important information about submitting your works (FYP, Thesis and Paper) to DR-NTU and terms of use for DR-NTU. It also covers information on  NTU Open Access

You can also find sections on how to search and browse the DR-NTU and frequently asked questions in this LibGuide.

If you need to set embargo or exempt your works to DR-NTU, please read Embargo & Exemption.

Good Practices in Repositories

DR-NTU has performed self-assessment using COAR Community Framework for Good Practices in Repositories

The  badge was granted on 25 May 2023.

Why self-assessment?

The self-assessment assists DR-NTU in evaluating and improving the current operations based on a set of applicable and achievable good practices.
