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DR-NTU User Guides

This guide provides information about submitting your works (FYP, Thesis and paper) to NTU digital repository (DR-NTU).

FYP / Thesis

NTU students are required to submit your Final Year Project (FYP) report or thesis to DR-NTU for wider access.

Please note that your submission should not contain personal, confidential or sensitive information, you can either anonymize or remove it from your work before submission. Under some special circumstances, e.g. your work is pending publication or patent application, you may request an embargo for up to 2 years. If your work contains confidential or sensitive information despite attempts to anonymize or remove it, you may request an exemption from submission. For more details, please read the embargo & exemption guidelines and the terms of use of DR-NTU. 

When to submit:
Submit the final version of your FYP or thesis to DR-NTU directly once it is approved by your supervisor. For the actual deadline for submission, please refer to the guidelines from your school or Office of Academic Services. Please note that the Library needs at least 2-3 weeks to process your submission during the peak periods, thus please submit your work at your soonest to avoid last-minute rush and processing “jam”.

Prepare for submission:

  1. Ensure the following details are provided on the title page of your report:
    1. Title
    2. Name of Author
    3. Degree
    4. Name of School
    5. Name of Supervisor(s)
  2. For PhD and Masters by Research student, you must adhere to the final format for thesis required by the University. As thesis in DR-NTU is open for public, when submitting to DR-NTU, you may use non-official signature, redacted signature or initial in the Thesis Declaration Statements. You still need to adhere to NTU Research Integrity Policy and theses and dissertations guidelines when submitting your thesis for examination. Please refer to the guide for any copyright concerns on making your thesis open access.
  3. Combine your report as one single file (e.g. put appendices, tables, bibliography, etc., together and not as separate items).
  4. Convert the full-text of the report to unsecured PDF file.
  5. Save accompanying materials (e.g. photo journal, video, audio, etc.) in common multimedia formats (e.g. JPG, MP4) and upload as separate files.
  6. Keep each file below 512MB. If you have a file that is larger than 512MB, split the file into a few smaller files.

How to submit:

  1. Click deposit button to start a new submission at the DR-NTU homepage

  2. Login using NTU network account (without prefix "student\" in username)
  3. Select the collection you wish to submit to
  4. You will be required to grant NTU Library a Non-exclusive Distribution License upon submission
  5. Follow the online instructions to enter all the necessary information 
  6. Attach the appropriate version of your paper in PDF file
  7. Set embargo if needed: please refer to the guide

  8. Click on “Complete” after verifying your submission details. You will see the acknowledgement screen that your submission is received and under process.

You will receive an email notification with a URL generated for your work if your submission is approved; or an email notification with reason for rejection if your submission is not approved.

For higher degree theses (PhD and Master by Research theses); once your submission is approved, Library would mint and assign a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to your thesis. A DOI is a persistent link, so that any link or reference to it should take users to your thesis. To find the DOI of your thesis, go to DR-NTU and search for your thesis – the DOI would be listed in the record. Please include the DOI when citing your own thesis.

Please contact us if any assistance is needed.