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DR-NTU User Guides

This guide provides information about submitting your works (FYP, Thesis and paper) to NTU digital repository (DR-NTU).

Embargo & Exemption

If it is necessary to delay the sharing of research due to pending publication or patent application, authors may set an embargo for up to 2 years. However, if the works cannot be shared at all because it contains confidential or sensitive information, authors can request for an exemption. See Embargo and Exemption Policy (intranet link) for details. 

Students must discuss and obtain prior approval from their supervisors by filling in the request form before placing an embargo or seeking a submission exemption for their theses and FYPs. 

Faculty and staff whose works meet the acceptable reasons for embargo setting or exemption from depositing may do so and are not required to seek approval. 

Embargo setting procedure for students

(a) Go to this link (or you can go to Student ServiceNow Portal > Request for Services > Library Services > Request for Embargo or Exemption of Thesis/FYP in DR-NTU).

(b) Fill in the request form and submit. Your supervisor will receive an email notification to approve/reject the request. Please also alert your supervisor to approve in Staff ServiceNow portal.

(c) Once your supervisor approves the request, the Library will process your request within 3 working days. You can check the progress of your request at Student ServiceNow portal.

(d) Library would send you confirmation email with Reference Number. You then use it to submit your work to DR-NTU.

  1. After uploading the file, click “Change” under Embargo Setting.

  2. Set embargo release date (e.g. if you request embargo until 31 May 2024, set date as 1 June 2024 to be released) and provide the reason with Reference Number. Click "Save" and complete the submission process.


Exemption requesting procedure for students

(a) Go to this link (or you can go to Student ServiceNow Portal > Request for Services > Library Services > Request for Embargo or Exemption of Thesis/FYP in DR-NTU).

(b) Fill in the request form and submit. Your supervisor will receive an email notification to approve/reject the request. You can check the progress of your request at Student ServiceNow portal.

(c) Once your supervisor approves the request, the full-text of the student work can be exempted from deposit. PhD/Master by Research students should still deposit the non-sensitive metadata and abstract to DR-NTU, where possible.