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DR-NTU User Guides

This guide provides information about submitting your works (FYP, Thesis and paper) to NTU digital repository (DR-NTU).

Enhanced Academic Profile

The current NTU Academic Profile is more than 10 years old and pulls content from RIMS. With the decommissioning of RIMS in December 2020, it is timely to redesign the Academic Profile and offer a visually pleasing look-and-feel for online visitors and add new functionalities for tagging and searching research expertise.

Hence, a paper was presented to Provost Council to establish a new Enhanced Academic Profile Committee to -

  1. Approve the design of the new Enhanced Academic Profile and provide content guidelines for faculty to create/update their profiles;
  2. Suggest new functionalities and features eg. display patent filings; and 
  3. Oversee the creation and regular reviews of the NTU Research Keywords/Taxonomy to harmonize the description of the areas of research expertise.

New features



NTU Research Keywords/Taxonomy

This list comprises Controlled Keywords and User Keywords.

We have expanded the number of Controlled Keywords from 42 to 100 (link). These keywords are selected from a review of Scopus terms, school websites, research map created by schools and NTU Research Strategy 2021-2025 report.  In addition to the Controlled Keywords, faculty can also suggest new User Keywords or select from the reference list of User Keywords. [Note: all new User Keywords will be reviewed for duplication and consistency before being added to the reference list of User Keywords.]