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NTU CourseReserves - Course Readings at your fingertips

Workshops on NTU CourseReserves

The Library is holding regular workshops on the basic functions of the platform. There will also be workshops on how to leverage the more advanced functions in the platform for pedagogy in the future. You can register for them from the below links:

Target audience: Any member of the faculty that teaches a course on NTULearn

Workshop Name Date/Time Venue Registration Workshop Details
NTU CourseReserves
"Course Readings at your fingertips"
Wed, 20 Aug 2025 9:30AM - 11:00AM Online via Zoom Coming Soon! At the workshop, participants will learn to:
  • Access the NTU CourseReserves platform via NTULearn
  • Create a Reading List for a course they are teaching
  • Create individual items in the list via each of the three main methods (Library Catalogue, Manual-entry, Cite-it! Tool)
  • Make purchase requests using the tag function
  • Publish the list for students to use

Past Workshop Recordings