Zotero's Google Docs plugin allows adding in-text citations and references to documents created and shared using Google Docs. Ensure the Zotero connector is installed on your browser for the Zotero tab to appear in Google Docs menu.
Open Google Docs on a browser (Example - Chrome browser) with the Zotero connector installed. When using Zotero with Google docs for the first time authentication is required. You will be prompted to authenticate your Google account. Choose the Google account that was used for the Google docs.
Adding in-text citations and reference
1. To add in-text citations to a document. Click 'Add/edit citation' from the Zotero drop down menu.
2. Using the Zotero drop down menu, select 'Document Preference' and select the preferred citation style from the pop-up.
3. A pop-up to select references appear. Click the small red Zotero icon to switch to "Classic View," which opens your Zotero Library. Choose the reference to be added as in-text citation.
The selected reference from the Zotero library is added as an in-text citation.
4. To add the reference list to your document, place the cursor at the end of the document where you intent to list your references. From the Zotero menu tab click "Add/edit Bibliography." A list of references for the in-text citation in the document will appear
After adding in-text citations use the refresh button to update the reference list. To change the citation style use the "Document Preferences" option in the Zotero tab. Google Docs and Zotero plugin works seamlessly and there may be a time lag for each of the steps. The options and steps to use Zotero plugin for Google Docs and MS Word are almost similar.
Zotero with Google Docs is ideal for collaboration allowing multiple individuals to work on a shared document. Some point to note
For additional information on Zotero-Google Docs refer to the Zotero Documentation.
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