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Introduction to Zotero

Steps to create a new collection in Zotero

A new collection is a folder into which items relating to a specific project or topic can be placed.

To create a new collection, right click My Library and click ‘New Collection’. You can also click the 'New Collection' icon on the tool bar to create a new collection.  

Give a name to the collection.

You can create multiple folders to organise and manage your references. The same item can belong to many collections at one time.

Change Citation Style

To change the citation style in Zotero, go to:

Edit > Preferences> Cite.

In Styles Manager under the Styles tab, select the preferred style

You can click on More Styles if you do not see your preferred style in this list. 

Do note that if you have downloaded a free version of Zotero, not all styles come pre-installed. Hence, click on the tab Get More Styles to search for your preferred style in Zotero's online database if you need to.