Download Zotero (macOS/ Windows / Linux) and Zotero Connector from:
The Zotero Connector is a browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Safari) add-in that automatically senses content as you browse the web and allows you to save items to Zotero with a single click. If a PDF is available, the Connector can save it to your library to read later, and it can even save snapshots of webpages in case they change or disappear.
For Mac users, the Zotero Connector is installed automatically on Safari. If you don't see the Zotero Connector on Safari after installing Zotero, do the following:
1. Open Safari
2. From the Safari menu, select Preferences.
3. From the list on the left, locate the Zotero Connector and check the checkbox.
4. The Zotero Connector should appear next to the URL box.
This short video gives you a quick overview to install Zotero:
You do not need an online account to use the Zotero desktop app. However, having an online account allows you to sync your sources and then gives you access to them even if you aren't using your computer
Register and create a Zotero account so that you can backup your references and pdf files in the Zotero cloud storage. While Zotero stores all data locally on your computer by default, Zotero's sync functionality allows you to access your Zotero library on any computer with internet access.
To register, access Zotero website and click the Register at the top right side.
To sync the data between your local computer and the Zotero servers, click Edit < Preferences < Sync. Input your Zotero account username, password and click Setup Syncing.
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