Before the submission, please note that:
1. All NTU faculty and staff are required to deposit a proper version of their journal articles and conference papers to DR-NTU upon acceptance of their publications to comply with the NTU Open Access Policy with effect from August 2011.
2. Submit your paper to DR-NTU only when it has been accepted by the journal publisher or conference organiser.
3. Deposits should be made soonest possible once acceptance of manuscript to ensure the version that can be shared is not lost.
4. For Gold OA publications, please upload your published version with the metadata record. For Green OA publications published in conventional subscription-based journals, please check the publisher’s self-archiving policy before a manuscript submission is made to ensure the journal’s interest of OA compliance to be met.
5. To check the publisher’s self-archiving policy, you may use the Sherpa/Romeo website or check the publisher’s website directly. Please choose the proper version that will be allowed to deposit in DR-NTU. To differentiate an accepted version from a published version, please see the image below.
6. If the publisher requires their publications to be embargoed for a period of time, you can set an embargo expiry date on your paper during the submission.
7. For those publishers that do not allow accepted version (final peer-reviewed manuscript) to be deposited in DR-NTU, the metadata record including abstract will be displayed and a link provided in DR-NTU to the subscribed content whenever appropriate.
8. Please read Terms of Use before submitting your works to DR-NTU.
9. Please note that the Library needs at least 2-3 weeks to process your submission during the peak periods, thus please submit your work at your soonest to avoid last-minute rush and processing “jam”.
How to submit:
There are two ways to deposit papers:
1. Self-submission: refer here for more details
a. Click deposit button to start a new submission at the DR-NTU homepage
b. Login using NTU network account (without prefix "staff\" or "student\" in username)
c. Select the collection you wish to submit to
d. You will be required to grant NTU Library a Non-exclusive Distribution License and Exclusion of Liability upon submission
e. Follow the online instructions to enter all the necessary information
f. Attach the appropriate version of your paper in PDF file
g. Set embargo if requested by the publisher
h. Click on “Complete” after verifying your submission details
You will receive an email acknowledgement of your submission for you to check if any change needed. After your submission is processed and approved by the Library, you will receive another email notification with a URL generated for your work in DR-NTU. If, for any reason, your submission is not approved by the Library, you will receive an email notification with the reason for rejection.
Please contact us if any assistance is needed.
2. Staff-mediated submission
Faculty and researchers can submit papers through a department-administrator-mediated submission. Please inform the Library if you have a proxy to do submission on your behalf.
In order to minimize any inconvenience to NTU faculty and researchers, the Library does regular staff-mediated submissions to populate DR-NTU with published papers:
a. Library staff downloads NTU paper metadata from citation databases such as Scopus
b. Library staff checks the publisher’s self-archiving policy to get to know the allowed version for deposit
c. Library staff solicits the allowed version from NTU’s author and also get his/her agreement to grant NTU Library a Non-exclusive Distribution License and Exclusion of Liability via email
d. NTU author provides a proper version for the Library staff to deposit
e. Library staff deposits the paper into DR-NTU on behalf of the author
You are expected to comply with University policies and guidelines namely, Appropriate Use of Information Resources Policy, IT Usage Policy and Social Media Policy. Users will be personally liable for any infringement of Copyright and Licensing laws. Unless otherwise stated, all guide content is licensed by CC BY-NC 4.0.