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Research Impact


The Research Visibility Checklist is designed to serve as a guide for NTU researchers who wish to make practical changes in order to increase their research visibility and accessibility. 

The checklist consists of a series of suggestions. It is currently a draft version while we solicit inputs from the research community. For comments and suggestions, please contact

Research Visibility Checklist


Version 1 (2023)

Optimise the Use of ORCID


Practise Open Research


Link all Research Outputs with a Persistent Identifier*


  • CrossRef DOI for papers
  • DataCite DOI for research datasets
  • ISBN for books

*Services provided by the Library

Update your Other Profiles


Note: There are others such as LinkedIn, Loop and more that you may wish to explore. Remember to link your profile.

Engage both Academia and Non-Academia


  • Engage the industry
  • Present at conferences
  • Communicate work to audiences outside of academia e.g., lay summaries
  • Incorporate citizen science
  • Collaborate with policy officers

Use Social Networking Sites


The use of social networking sites and social media can provide effective and efficient means to communicate your research and increase its impact. It can help you reach new audiences, both within and outside academia.


At the same time, you can use it to seek and give advice and feedback, and generate new ideas.


However, you will need to invest some time in building a presence and sustaining your social media activity.


Choose platforms based on your work and available time/resources.


Javascript logo animation 'kegi/math-animation': original code by Kevin Gilbert. Adapted in 2022 by Mr NAH Hui Kang Christopher, School of Biological Sciences and Ms XU Cong, Open Science and Research Services, NTU Library, Nanyang Technological University.

Content co-authors (in alphabetical order of last name):

  • Dr Amy CHOU, formerly with Open Science and Research Services, NTU Library
  • Ms GOH Su Nee, Open Science and Research Services, NTU Library