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Open Researcher and Contributor ID

Add works to ORCID record

There are four ways to add works to your ORCID record yourself:

1. Add works by Search & Link from other databases (e.g. Crossref, DataCite)
2. Add works using an identifier
3. Import and export works via BibTeX
4. Add works manually

You can also set up auto updates by providing your iD and granting permissions to trusted organizations to add data to your record and do auto update

Adding trusted individuals

You can grant permission to one or more trusted individuals to update your ORCID record, acting as a delegate or proxy. Note: They must be ORCID iD holders as well.

To do so, sign in to ORCID, click the down arrow beside your name, go to 'Trusted individuals'. In the search box, enter the ORCID iD, email address, or name of the person you want to make a trusted individual. Search and add.

Once the 'trusted individual' has been added, he/she will see an additional option upon log in. Under his/her name in ORCID, he/she will see the heading 'Switch account'. Clicking on 'Switch account' will list the records that he/she can manage.

Add works

To add works from Crossref, you must first grant access to the organization using Search & Link.

The advantage of using Search & Link is that you are getting data about the work directly from the source, and this allows the addition of contributor information, which is not possible via other methods.

To add datasets from DataCite, you must first grant access to the organization using Search & Link.

The advantage of using Search & Link is that you are getting data about the work directly from the source, and this allows the addition of contributor information, which is not possible via other methods.

Refer to the same video, 'How to import works into your ORCID record using a Search & Link wizard' from ORCID. Follow the steps for Search & Link, and select DataCite from the list of databases. 


Related FAQ:

How do I authorise DataCite to auto-update my ORCID record?

You will need to login to Web of Science Researcher Profile to grant permission to allow the linking of your Web of Science Researcher Profile with your ORCID. Please follow these steps:

        1. Click on Edit next to your profile in the menu, or from your profile directly.

        2. Navigate to ORCID sync.

        3. Click 'Connect my ORCID'.

  1. Authenticate with ORCID using your ORCID credentials.


Granting Web of Science permission to update your ORCID record or works

Once your ORCID profile is linked, you can select ‘Grant Web of Science researcher profile permission to update your ORCID works’ and confirm the authorization request. Please then click on "Export publications to ORCID now" or "Export peer reviews to ORCID now” found under the “Manually sync ORCID with Web of Science” header in your settings page.

You may now also turn on the automatic sync options:

  1. Update ORCID with changes I make in my Web of Science Researcher Profile
  2. Update ORCID with my peer reviews.

Related FAQs:

How do I add works from Web of Science Researcher Profile to ORCID?

How do I update works in my Web of Science Researcher Profile using my ORCID record?

To do so, you can use this link to add publication data from your Scopus Author Profile to your ORCID record. 

Note: If you see a message from your browser that tells you that the site is not secure, look for "Details" and select "Go on to the webpage".

Screen capture of the landing page:

Related FAQ:

How do I add publication data from my Scopus Author Profile to my ORCID record?

Can I update my Scopus Author Profile using the publication data from my ORCID record?

It is possible to export your citations from Google Scholar and import them into your ORCID record.

Related FAQs:

How do I update my ORCID record using the publication data from my Google Scholar Profile?

Can I update my Google Scholar Profile using the publication data from my ORCID record?

It is recommended to add works directly from databases, e.g. Crossref. However, if you have works that cannot be found, you can manually add them into your ORCID record.

The different types of works that can be added include: book, book chapter, book-review, journal-article, magazine article, newsletter-article, newspaper-article, supervised-student-publication, working-paper, conference-abstract, conference-paper, conference-poster, patent, lecture-speech, etc. See the details here.

When adding works manually, you must first select the work category, then the work type and fill in the metadata for the work.

About granting permissions

'Trusted organizations' are those to which you have granted permission to interact with your ORCID iD and record.

Granting permissions to 'trusted organisations' to update your ORCID record ensures easy and error-free sharing and re-use of information:

  • By granting permission and authorising your university systems to access your ORCID record, will enable them to add information to your ORCID record and keep it updated on your  behalf. 
  • By granting permission to publishers and authorising them to update your ORCID record, you will have automatic updates to your  record as you  publish a paper or dataset, when you do peer review etc.
  • By allowing your funder to add and update your grants means you have easily shareable information that is authoritative and trustworthy, and saves you time when completing forms.

It is recommended that NTU members permit selected trusted organisations such as Crossref and DataCite  to add/update their record.

  • By permitting Crossref, whenever a new work associated with your ORCID iD is found in their system - from any publisher, it will be automatically updated in your record.
  • By permitting DataCite, DR-NTU (Data) dataset DOIs will be automatically updated in your ORCID record.

You can revoke the permission anytime from the Trusted organizations section of your account settings page and click delete (the trash can icon) near the name of the organization whose access you want to revoke.