NTU embarked on a campaign to request NTU faculty members to authorize NTU to collect and use their ORCID iD and record data for NTU research systems early 2020.
The NTU research information system (RISE) will be pulling information from the 'Works' section of NTU faculty members' ORCID records for publications and scholarly works.
Non-faculty members, Visiting Professors and Adjunct Appointment holders are currently not required to authorize NTU for ORCID record access.
Click authorization link.
Please note that you must set the visibility setting of your ORCID profile name to "everyone" before authorizing. If the visibility of the ORCID profile name is set to to “private” or “trusted parties”, system will not be able to find the name. Hence, it will affect the authorization.
To check or edit this information, log in to your ORCID record, click the pencil icon beside your name on the upper left side of the record and see that the "everyone" icon is selected.
After reading 'About ORCID', click 'Proceed'.
After reading 'NTU requirements for ORCID', click 'Proceed to Authorize'.
If you do not have an ORCID iD yet, click here for information on registration.
If you already have an account, sign into ORCID:
Set 'Visibility settings' as 'Everyone' when registering:
Search in ORCID when unsure if you’ve an ORCID iD. Advanced Search allows you to specify 'Institution' in your search:
During registration, ORCID prompts when email already exists:
During registration, ORCID prompts when a similar name already exists. The prompt asks you to check whether any of the ORCID iD(s) listed belongs to you. You may have already created an ORCID iD using a different email address, or the iD may belong to another researcher with the same name as you. Click the iD(s) in the list for more information:
It is important that you return to the following screen after that to select either option to complete the authorization:
'Yes, I have an iD - sign in now' or 'None of these are me - continue to registration'
After successful registration and login, you will be redirected back to the NTU system where an acknowledgment page will be displayed.
Read the acknowledgment message and the process is now completed.
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