You can create an EndNote Library to store your references. Once EndNote is installed:
1. Launch the EndNote program.
2. To create a new library, simply click File and New or alternatively, choose Create a new library.
3. You may rename the Library or retain the default name as My EndNote Library.enl and click Save.
4. Two files .enl and .data folder will be automatically created, do ensure that they are saved in one location.
5. Once the EndNote Library is created, you will see three panels.
6. The center screen is the Reference List Panel and the reference details on the right is the Tabs Panel. The windows layout in them can be adjusted. The fields displayed in the Reference List Panel can be customised as well. View the short tutorial video below to find out how you can position or adjust your EndNote library window.
The style that you are currently using will be displayed at the bottom right of EndNote as shown in the red rectangular box. You can change bibliographic styles in EndNote as per your requirements easily. Simply click on the APA 6th and choose Select Another Style.
After you have clicked Select Another Style, this will open up a menu of hundreds of styles that EndNote offers. Select on the desired style and click Choose to close the pop-up window.
If you do not see your style in this list, the EndNote website offers thousands of styles that you can download as well. You can find the full list here:
Open your EndNote Library. Go to File, choose Import and click File.
Click Choose and locate the PDF to be imported
Select the PDF to be added to EndNote and click Open.
For Import Option, select PDF.
The selected PDF is then imported to EndNote.
Note: If the DOI (Document Object Identifier) is not present in the PDF it will be imported without the reference details.
You can import a folder of PDF to EndNote Library.
From the File menu, select Import and then Folder.
Click Choose to select the folder of PDF to be imported.
Select the folder of PDF and click OK to import it.
All PDFs in the folder are now imported to EndNote.
Note: If the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is not present in the PDF it will be imported without the reference details.
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