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Singapore Open Research Conference 2022


For highlights from the Singapore Open Research Conference 2022, check out this blog post.



There are two sessions of the same workshop. Please click on the workshop tab above for more details. You may sign up for EITHER session:

Tue, 1 Nov 2022 (NTU Yunnan Campus. Click here for map.

03:00pm to 04:30pm

The Art of Writing Methods and Introduction to by Dr Lenny TEYTELMAN, CEO and co-founder of

Workshop Slides

Workshop venue: Experimental Medicine Building, Seminar Room, Level 1, 59 Nanyang Drive Singapore 636921

Wed, 2 Nov 2022 (Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Clinical Sciences Building, Medical Library (20th floor), NTU Novena Campus. Click here for map.

09:00am to 10:30am

The Art of Writing Methods and Introduction to by Dr Lenny TEYTELMAN, CEO and co-founder of

Workshop Slides

Workshop venue: Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Medical Library, Flexi-space, Clinical Sciences Building, 20th Floor, 11 Mandalay Road, Singapore 308232


Wed, 2 Nov 2022

(Conference venue: Lecture Theatre @ Toh Kian Chui Annex, Headquarters Building (white building), Level 1. Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Novena campus. Click here for map.)

10:00am Registration and NTU Open Research Awards poster viewing (in foyer)
10:45am To be seated

Opening Address
Prof Joseph SUNG, Distinguished University Professor; Senior Vice President (Health and Life Sciences), Dean, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, and Professor, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine

Video Clip


Keynote Speech: "Accelerating Knowledge Creation with Responsible Open Research"
Guest of Honour, Professor LING San, NTU Deputy President and Provost, President’s Chair in Mathematical Sciences

Presentation Slides
Video Clip


"The Selfish Reasons for Practising Open Science"
Dr Lenny TEYTELMAN, CEO and co-founder of

Presentation Slides
Video Clip


"Open Research: Where to Start?" - Introducing the Open Research Checklist
Dr Amy CHOU, Manager, Open Science and Research Services, NTU Library; and
Ms Celine LEE, Manager,
Good Research Practice Office, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine

Video Clip

12:20pm Lunch, networking and poster viewing
Open Research Policies, Governance and Ethics

"Improving Health Outcomes and Advancing Healthcare Innovation Through TRUST"
Ms KOH Mingshi, Director (Chief Health Scientist Office), Ministry of Health, Singapore

Presentation Slides


"From Open Data to Open Access: Ethical Tradeoffs in Open Science"
Assistant Professor Owen SCHAEFER, Centre for Biomedical Ethics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore

Presentation slides
Video Clip


"Sharing Data Collected via Future Health Technologies"
Professor Nicole WENDEROTH, Director of Institute for Human Movement Sciences and Sport at ETH Zurich; and founding Director of Future Health Technology programme at Singapore-​ETH Centre

Presentation Slides
Video Clip


Panel Discussion
Moderated by Assistant Professor Wilson GOH, Biomedical Informatics and Head, Good Research Practice Office, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine

Video Clip

Open Research in Practice

"Correcting the Natural Product Literature through Open Data"
Associate Professor Roderick W. BATES, NTU School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (CCEB) and NTU Research Integrity Officer

Presentation Slides
Video Clip

03:10pm Break, networking and poster viewing

"The Acceleration of Open Science Initiatives in 2022: an Australasian View of What’s Needed Next" (virtual presentation)
Professor Ginny BARBOUR, Director of Open Access Australasia, and Co-Lead, Office for Scholarly Communications, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Presentation Slides
Video Clip


"Progressing Open Science through Publishing" (virtual presentation)
Dr Hiromitsu Urakami, Academic Engagement Director, Springer Nature (Japan)

Presentation Slides
Video Clip


"Trends in Open Research through the Web of Science Lens" (virtual presentation)
Ms Dju-Lyn CHNG, Regional Solution Consultant, Clarivate

Presentation Slides
Video Clip


NTU Open Research Awards 2022 

Opening Remarks
Presented by Ms Goh Su Nee, Deputy Director and Lead, Open Science and Research Services, NTU Library

Prize Presentation Ceremony
Awards presentation to the following recipients:

  • Individual Award Winner (Nanyang Asst Prof Suzy Styles)
  • Team Award Winner (Volcanic Hazards and Risk Group)
  • Special Mention (Digital Signal Processing Lab)
  • Special Mention (Social & Affective Neuroscience Lab)
  • Special Mention (TeraX Labs)

Video Clip

Lightning Talks by Winners

  1. Nanyang Asst Prof Suzy Styles – Winner (Individual) Presentation Slides, Video Clip
  2. Assoc Prof Susanna Jenkins for Volcanic Hazards and Risk Group – Winner (Team) Presentation SlidesVideo Clip

Closing Remarks
Dr Willie KOH, Director, NTU Research Integrity & Ethics Office

Video Clip

05:35pm End of Conference