This page consolidates all resources related to international trading which includes news, links to agencies, relevant legislation, and possible databases to find articles and data related to commodities, energy, and other topics in international trading.
Access to some of the links on this page have been provided by NTU Library and requires your log in using your Network ID and password. If you have any questions regarding access to these resources or need further help, do drop us an email.
Available to current NTU staff and students.
Restricted onsite access for NIE staff & students, associate members-- please approach the staff at the Lee Wee Nam Library service desk for assistance.
Full-text articles, dissertations, company- and industry-focused reports, and news. Covers management, economics, marketing, finance, and international business.
Includes ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Trade and Industry, and ABI/INFORM Dateline.
Available to current NTU staff and students.
Restricted onsite access for NIE staff & students, associate members -- please approach the staff at the Lee Wee Nam Library service desk for assistance.
Provides access to peer-reviewed journal articles, eBooks, reports, trade publications, and conference proceedings across numerous disciplines.
Available to current NTU/NIE staff and students.
Restricted onsite access for associate members -- please approach the staff at the Lee Wee Nam Library service desk for assistance.
Available to current NTU/NIE staff and students.
Restricted onsite access for associate members -- please approach the staff at the Lee Wee Nam Library service desk for assistance.
Bloomberg provides financial data on stocks, bonds, currencies, and commodities, along with news, analytics, and research reports.
Take the Bloomberg Markets Concepts (BMC) course at the Bloomberg terminals. After logging in, type BMC at the command line and register with your NTU email account.
Concurrent users: 4
Available to current NTU staff and students only.
Note: Library subscription only includes World Trend Plus, Global Database, High Frequency Database and China Premium Database.
Concurrent users: 10
Available to current NTU staff and students only.
EIU's research reports, data, and forecasts on various topics. Includes political and economic analysis for 200+ countries, industry trends, and proprietary forecasting models.
Available to current NTU staff and students.
Restricted onsite access for NIE staff & students, associate members -- please approach the staff at Lee Wee Nam Library service desk for assistance.
The Library's subscription excludes Premium add-ons and the other modules. See list of databases available here.
Concurrent users: 5
Available to current NTU staff and students only.
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