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International Trading Programme

This guide was created to support the International Trading Programme course. It points to useful resources within NTU Library and relevant resources that are available freely on the web.


This guide was created to support the International Trading Programme. The International Trading Programme provides students from Business, Engineering and Maritime Studies with a multidisciplinary and holistic education in international trade.

This LibGuide is structured as such: the selected resources are divided into separate sections of Books (including print and e-book), Commodities which includes where to access analysis, futures, company information, prices, etc., and Other Resources where there are resources for adjacent topics for example finding scholarly articles, data, and legal regulations/documents. A link directly to the resources is included, and in the case of print materials, a link to our Library Catalogue is included instead. Quick links to our library services and our contact details are featured here as well. For convenience, all courses under the International Trading Programme which have exam papers archived can also be found on the homepage.

Other than the resources mentioned above, this guide also includes information on how to access course reserves through our Library Catalogue, as well as past student works and our faculty publications.

For questions regarding this guide, you can email the librarian listed on the right or email the library.

Business LibGuides
