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Library Essentials for Graduate Freshmen

This guide is designed to introduce NTU Graduate Freshmen to essential Library services and resources.

Research Data Management (RDM) E-Learning Course

If you are interested to learn about good RDM practices based on the latest policies and guidelines, self-enroll in this course via NTULearn. Good RDM practices help to mitigate risks such as data loss, leakage, infringement of data reuse terms, or even research integrity-related risks such as data falsification and fabrication.

Data Management Plan (DMP) and DR-NTU (Data) Workshops

  • Data Management Plan (DMP) workshops

    New to the NTU Data Management Plan template or would like a refresher training or have new team members? This workshop introduces you to the benefits of having a data management plan, best practices in research data management and ways to implement and update your DMP.

  • Intro to DR-NTU and DR-NTU Data
    DR-NTU and DR-NTU (Data) are the open access repositories of NTU, which store and share NTU publications and research data. This workshop aims to introduce the functionalities of the repositories, so that you can utilize them in order to fulfil funders and/or publisher’s requirements.  

Find out more at

DR-NTU (data)

DR-NTU (Data) curates, stores, preserves, makes available and enables the download of digital data generated by the NTU research community in various disciplines. The repository develops and provides guidance for managing, sharing, and reusing research data to promote responsible data sharing in support of open science and research integrity.

What is research data?
Research data are data in whatever formats or form collected, observed, generated, created and obtained during the entire course of a research project. This would include numerical, descriptive, aural, visual or physical forms recorded by the researcher, generated by equipment and derived from models, simulations. NTU Research Data Policy (2016)

Why share research data?

  • Maximises TRANSPARENCY and accountability
  • REDUCES the cost of duplicating data collection
  • Fosters new COLLABORATIONS between data users and data creators
  • Gives CREDIT for research outputs
  • Likely to increase CITATION rates


For additional information on sharing research data, please refer to the Library's RDM LibGuide: