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FYP Guide

This guide lists essential Library services for students doing their Final Year Project (FYP).

Academic Integrity Resources

Top academic integrity resources:


Endnote and other reference management tools support proper referencing and provide additional research support tools 

Citation Styles

There are many different citation styles - do check with your supervisor or check your School FYP website which style to use for your report.

Academic Integrity at NTU

"NTU expects a high standard of original research when students ... present their work. The highest level of intellectual honesty must be reflected in all aspects of learning, evidenced by original work, and proper referencing when acknowledging the work of others. This is the essence of academic integrity." Taken from Academic Integrity at NTU

Plagiarism & Tips to Avoid it

When submitting your FYP, you are expected to adhere to the highest standards of Academic Integrity at NTU, as described above. There is a zero tolerance policy for plagiarism in your FYP.

So, what is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is ‘to use or pass off as one’s own, writings or ideas of another, without acknowledging or crediting the source from which the ideas are taken’. This includes:

  • The use of words, images, diagrams, graphs or ideas derived from books, journals, magazines, visual media, and the internet without proper acknowledgement;
  • Copying of work from the internet or any other sources and presenting as one’s own; and
  • Submitting the same piece of work for different courses or to different journals and publications.

How can I avoid it?

  • Use quotation marks when using exact phrases and cite your sources
  • Paraphrase and cite your sources
  • Use your own voice and supply citations
  • Organise and track your reading material e.g. with Endnote or Mendeley 



  • Helps you to avoid accusations of plagiarism
  • Documents your research
  • Creates greater impact on your readers
  • Strengthens your arguments


  • When you use an idea that has already been expressed by someone else
  • When you refer to the work of another person
  • When you quote the work of someone else
  • When you use your own published work

Taken from iThenticate