The following services are available to all faculty, research staff, graduate and research students from NTU main campus and Novena campus.
A. Systematic Search Advisory
Get expert advice from a librarian on search strategy development and resource selection for systematic reviews (up to 3 hours consultation).
B. Systematic Search Collaboration
Collaborate with librarians on formulation of research question, search strategy development and validation, database searching and syntax translation, citation export and reporting of search methods for reproducibility. Co-authorship is welcome.
Visit NTU Library Homepage
A systematic approach to organise and manage literature searching processes. Suggested steps:
Find search terms, keywords, phrases
- Find subject headings, sub-headings, thesaurus terms, synonyms, index terms
- Highly relevant papers/ key papers – words in title/ abstract/ author keywords/ subject terms
- Published search strategies e.g. in Systematic Reviews
Develop search strategy
- Consistent search strategy using Boolean operators, truncation, etc
- Evaluate results and refine, think about your inclusion/ exclusion criteria
- Retrieval of highly relevant/ key articles
Selecting databases
- Select relevant databases for an exhaustive/ comprehensive search,
- Consider Grey literature or relevant websites or repositories relevant to the research topic
Documenting search methods
- Finalised search strategy, databases searched, filters/ limiters used (e.g. language, publication years), number of search results, date search performed
- PRISMA can be used as a guide
- Database personal account allows saved searches and creation of alerts for notification of new publications
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