LibBookmark is a browser bookmarklet that easily connects you to NTU Library subscriptions via the proxy service (""). This shortcut is most useful when applied to scholarly websites that you frequently visit.
Add LibBookmark to a Desktop Browser
Simply click and drag the following button to your browser's bookmark/favourite bar.
If you don't see the bookmark/favourite bar in your browser, press CTRL + SHIFT + B to enable it.
Add LibBookmark in a Mobile Device's Browser
Bookmark this page in your mobile device's browser. Edit the bookmark, name the bookmark as Full Text @NTU Library, replace the URL address by copying the code shown below and save it.
LibBookmark will work at scholarly websites such as Wiley Online Library, ScienceDirect, and JSTOR.
Follow these steps to understand how the bookmarklet could be applied on Desktop/Laptop Web Browsers.
On Mobile Web Browsers, the steps above apply except to replace step 2 with the below.
Please note:
You are expected to comply with University policies and guidelines namely, Appropriate Use of Information Resources Policy, IT Usage Policy and Social Media Policy. Users will be personally liable for any infringement of Copyright and Licensing laws. Unless otherwise stated, all guide content is licensed by CC BY-NC 4.0.