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DD1004 Introduction to Asian Art Histories

A compilation of library resources for DD1004


Citation Styles

Remember that the most important aspect of citation is consistency across your paper. Do not mix citation styles within a single research paper (for example, using MLA style in-text citations with Chicago style footnotes).

You should have learned the basics of citation from your academic writing courses and library workshops. Please refer to your past notes to refresh your memory, or check on the library books and websites on this topic. There are also many free resources that you can use to look up the various rules for citing in a specific style. This page will list some of them for your quick reference.

Please check with your Professors to confirm the citation style that you need to use for your assignments.

Types of Accidental Plagiarism

A summary provided by NTU LCC Lecturer Christopher John Hill.

There are many types of plagiarism. The four that LCC would like to highlight are:

  • Direct plagiarism: copying someone else’s work word-for-word without citing
  • Mosaic Plagiarism: borrowing phrases from a source or paraphrase their work into your own words without citing
  • Accidental plagiarism: forgetting to cite a source, misquote the source or paraphrase inadequately
  • Self-plagiarism: submitting your own previous work

To learn more, make an appointment with an LCC Comms Cube coach!

Basic Library Books on Citation

Resources on Citations

Other than the official manuals of the citation styles, you can also look at some quick guides online. These are created by universities around the world, and summarise the most commonly used rules for citation. If you cannot find the rule for a specific type of resource you wish to cite, to get in touch with NTU's Language and Communication Centre or the Library for a coaching session or research consultation respectively.