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Introduction to EndNote Online

Add references from NTU OneSearch

1. You can add references to your EndNote Library from OneSearch. Search for 'Intrinsic motivation'.

2. On the results page, click on the Cite icons  to generate the citation.


3. Click on Export RIS option followed by Download button. The selected citation is downloaded in RIS format. This format is compatible with   EndNote.


4. Import the RIS file to EndNote Online.(Collect--> Import References-->Choose File-->Import Option(RIS)-->Import)











The selected reference are added to EndNote.


Add references from Google Scholar

Conduct a search using Google Scholar and click on the double quotation marks that you wish to import into your EndNote Library.


Click on the 'Refman' link.









Import the RIS file downloaded from Google Scholar to EndNote Online.(Collect--> Import References-->Choose File-->Import Option(RIS)-->Import).