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ACG Series: Citations

In this Academic Communication Guide, learn about the basics of citations and some common citation styles and tools.

Diagnostic Quiz

Complete the following statements: 

  1. Any idea, finding or argument communicated on a public platform whether expressed by an author or an organization is intellectual property that 

a. requires a link to the original source. 

b. doesn’t require citation. 

c. requires a full citation using a recognised citation system. 

d. can be used by anyone anytime. 


  1. Citation can be defined as 

a. adding a link to the source of an idea you have used in your writing or presentation. 

b. using quotation marks. 

c. mentioning an author's name when you use their idea in your writing or presentation. 

d. documented acknowledgement of words, ideas, information or data that you have used from another source in your writing or presentation. 


  1. A citation system is  

a. being organised about how you cite. 

b. a set of rules for citation governed by internationally recognised academic bodies. 

c. consistent formatting of your links. 

d. using quotation marks. 


  1. Most citation systems involve  

a. the use of an in-text citation or footnote when an idea is cited and a reference list or works listed at the end of the document. 

b. quotation marks and a link at the end of the document to recognise the author. 

c. mentioning the name of the author every time you use their idea.  


Mark each of the following statements as true or false: 

  1. If you use an author’s exact words, you must place them in quotation marks. If you paraphrase another’s ideas, you again must indicate the source to your reader. 

True / False 

  1. There are many different citation systems used in different academic disciplines.   

True / False  

  1. There are software tools that can help you to cite correctly and accurately. 

True / False 

  1. In my discipline, I am not assessed on whether I cite or not, so it’s not important to cite. 

True / False 


This diagnostic quiz will help you determine which units of this course (if any) you can skip. If you get all the answers correct, you probably have a fair foundation of citations and can begin with Unit 2. That said, it is recommended for all students to complete the entire course as each unit is short. Answers to the questions can be located under the 'Answers' tab.  

Choose the most suitable option to answer the questions. There are 4 MCQ and 4 T/F questions altogether.