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This topic guide was created to complement the Introduction to LaTeX workshop conducted by the Library and point users to resources and tips related to using LaTeX and Overleaf.


Welcome to the LaTeX LibGuide!

LaTeX is not a program by itself, it is a document preparation system. Using LaTeX requires a series of tools. Acquiring them manually would result in downloading and installing multiple programs. To get started without needing to install anything, you can use a web-hosted service. Overleaf is an easy to use online LaTeX editor with integrated rapid preview.

Why should you use LaTeX?

  • LaTeX was built to handle typesetting of complex mathematical formulas
  • Many publishers ask authors to provide LaTeX source of their article or book.
  • Thousands of templates for all purposes (presentations, resumes, thesis, posters, etc)
  • LaTeX editor's have many options and features to format documents
  • It is an industry standard
  • LaTeX is much faster (Word processors become very sluggish when you insert many (high quality) pictures. With LaTeX its fast since a separate text editor is used and the document is displayed as a pdf.

Use the Overleaf online tutorials to explore and self learn LaTeX.

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