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Scholarly Publishing Services Guide: ISBN/ISSN

An overview of scholarly publishing services provided by NTU Library.



The ISSN is the standardised 8-digit international code that uniquely identifies a serial publication, i.e. a publication issued in successive parts to be published under a common title for an indefinite period. The National Library is the ISSN National Centre for Singapore and issues Singapore ISSNs to serials published in Singapore. Faculty who has plans to start a new journal can contact the Library to request for an ISSN.

The ISBN is the standardised 13-digit international number that uniquely identifies a monographic/book publication. It benefits and allows publishers, book suppliers and libraries worldwide to easily locate and order items.

Two copies of every publication published or produced in Singapore and made available for sale or public distribution in Singapore are required to deposit them with the National Library within four weeks from the date of publication. Options for depositing electronic publications have also been provided. For more information, please refer to Legal Deposit.