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Linear Algebra

The resources listed in this guide are mainly for undergraduate students to acquire some solid foundation and appreciation of the field of linear algebra.


This guide has been created to help you delve into linear algebra, it contains resources to get you started on the basics all the way through advanced techniques and applications of linear algebra.

This LibGuide is structured as such: the selected resources are divided into separate sections of Books (including print and e-book), eResources (includes e-Journals, websites, and other online databases), and a page on MATLAB. A link directly to the resources is included, and in the case of print materials, a link to our library catalog is included instead. Quick links to our library services and our contact details are featured here as well. 

Other than the resources mentioned above, this guide also includes the page Student Works and Faculty Publications, which will show you how to browse and search our institutional repository to find past student works and our faculty publications.

Please bear in mind that this is not intended as a comprehensive guide.

If you have any questions or enquiries about this guide or the resources, please feel free to contact the librarians.