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DR-NTU (Data) User Guides and Policies

This Curator Guidelines is meant for DR-NTU (Data) managers (Manager) at NTU Library. 


DR-NTU (Data) allows depositors, who have relevant permission, to add and publish dataverse/dataset directly.

The Manager shall perform data curation at the earliest possible timeframe, which could be at the point of dataverse/dataset addition or publication.

Upon creation of a new dataverse

Upon creation of new dataverse under the root, which requires Admin role (e.g. Department and Organization/Institution category), the Manager has to add the following information: 

  1. General Information: all the mandatory fields and description 
  2. Theme + widget: upload Logo Image, and Website, if applicable 
  3. Permission: assign Permissions and Users/Groups accordingly 

Upon creation of a new sub-dataverse

Upon creation of new sub-dataverse (Researcher, Research Group, Research Project category), the Manager has to check and communicate the following to the dataverse creator/admin:

1. General Information: all the mandatory fields and description (e.g. appointment/research interest/research topic)

An example of 'description':

<p> <b>Appointment</b>: Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor/Research Fellow/PhD student</p>
<p> <b>Research topics</b>: </p>
<p>• topic 1
<br>• topic 2
<br>• topic 3 </p>
<p>For more information, visit <a href="place your webpage URL here">webpage.</a></p>

2. Theme + widget: profile photo and Tagline (Academic Profile).

Upon creation of a new dataset

Upon creation of new dataset, the Manager has to check and communicate the following to the Dataset Depositor:


1. All the mandatory metadata fields

  • Title: If the dataset is specific for a published paper, Depositor can rename the dataset title to begin with ‘Replication data for:’ or ‘Related data for:’ followed by the paper title.
Dataset title When to use the prefix

Replication data for: the paper title


Replication data for: Homeostatic cytokines and inflammatory

When you have sufficient data documentation that facilitates others to replicate your experiments to derive the same findings as reported in your published paper.

Related data for: the paper title


Related data for: Homeostatic cytokines and inflammatory

When you are sharing less than what is needed for others to replicate
  • Author:  
    • The name(s) of the author(s) should be in the following order: FamilyName, GivenName.
    • The affiliation should be provided (e.g. Nanyang Technological University).
    • Include co-author(s) and ORCID ID (if applicable).
  • Contact: Add or modify the Contact if Depositor is not the intended contact person.
  • Description: A brief description of the dataset which describes the purpose, nature, and scope of the dataset should be provided.
  • Subject: Subject categories that are relevant to the dataset should be selected.
  • Keyword: Make suggestion to include more Keywords that help in making the dataset more discoverable.
  • Kind of Data: Make suggestion to modify the Kind of Data (e.g. survey data, experimental data, observation data), if necessary.
  • Software: Check the information about the software used to generate the dataset.

2. Additional metadata fields:

  • Related publication: Include the citation to the related publication, complete with the DOI and URL of the published paper. Check DR-NTU for related publication, and add another citation, together with the handle.
  • Research grants: Check the grants information from the publication’s website (if applicable) or ask the Depositor to fill in grant agency name(s) and grant number(s). Use the full name of the funder, e.g. “National Research Foundation (NRF)”.
  • Dataset Persistent ID (DOI): DOI is auto-generated by the system. Remind Depositor that if the dataset is for an upcoming paper, then Depositor is strongly encouraged to include a ‘Data Availability Statement’ in his/her paper with a DOI link to the dataset as soon as his/her paper has been accepted (see how to do that).
  • Related Datasets: Include any dataset links that are related to this dataset (if applicable).
  • Notes: For thesis, dissertation and FYP dataset, include Supervisor’s name.

3. Files

  • Content: Check that the deposited data files follow the guidelines in Collection Guidelines.
  • Format: Check that the deposited data files follow the format guidelines in Collection Guidelines.
  • Documentation: Check that documentation is provided, either as deposited file(s), e.g. readme file; or in the metadata fields, e.g. links to documentation.
  • Tags: Make suggestion to assign tag(s) to the file, esp. Documentation tag, for ease of locating/finding.
  • Descriptions: Make suggestion to add file description that makes it easier to understand the data.
  • File(s) name: Make suggestion to rename the file(s) following best practices, if necessary (
  • File size: Remind Depositor to consider data re-user download experience, especially if the file size is too big (

4. Terms

  • Terms of Use: If depositor is not applying the default license (CC BY-NC) or one of the Creative Commons licenses under the License dropdown, ensure a custom Terms of Use is provided.
  • Restricted files: If the file(s) is restricted check that Depositor understands how the restriction works.

5.  Republish the datasets (only applies if the Manager edits a published dataset)             

  • If the Manager touched up the metadata (e.g. adding ORCID, related publications, grant info), he/she may perform Publish > Update current version (will permanently overwrite the latest published version).
  • If the Manager performed editing which requires Publish > Minor/Major Release, he/she shall communicate with depositor prior to publishing.
  • Manager must not publish the unpublished dataset (i.e dataset that has never been published before), without prior communication and written consent from the depositor. 

6. "Change curation status" of DRAFT dataset.

If the dataset is in DRAFT, a curation status can be applied. For datasets where the author has been contacted after curation, "Author contacted" label applies. For datasets that have related publications prior to publication, "Awaiting paper publication" label applies and takes precedence.

For potentially sensitive research data, refer to Curation of Potentially Sensitive Data (internal access only).

Version: 1.8 (Released date: 13 Feb 2025)