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Pre-Class Instructions for FYP Workshops

Pre-Class Instructions for FYP Workshops

All students are to complete the two pre-class activities and attend  ‘Literature Search Techniques & Library Resources Workshop.
Pre-Class Activity - 1(IML) :

Complete the highlighted three units of Information Media Literacy (IML). Each IML unit takes about 10 minutes to complete.

Unit 3: Evaluating Information Sources

Unit 7: Distinguish Your Work

Unit 8: Digital Citizenship

How to access IML ?
IML is a listed course in NTULearn.

For assistance or help with IML,  email - and

Pre-Class Activity - 2 (Zotero) :

  1. Complete the  ‘Zotero Basics : A self-paced interactive tutorial’  (It takes about 10 Minutes to complete this tutorial)
  2.  Install Zotero
  3. Add the browser connector, Zotero connector --    

For assistance or help email -